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  • How Getting to Grips With Who You Really Are Can Change Everything

How Getting to Grips With Who You Really Are Can Change Everything

You are not just a meat stick wandering around the planet

Have you ever wondered what we are actually doing here?

Who am I? Why am I here?

If you’ve asked yourself those questions even once, you’ve begun an important journey.

Your experience on Earth is dictated by your belief system. A belief is just a thought we keep thinking.

If you change your thoughts, you change your beliefs, you change your experience.

Thoughts become things.

While the scientific community sits around arguing that it can’t be proven, millions of people around the world have, me included.

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."


What about you though? Are you open to changing your mind about something based off new information you receive? Or will you stubbornly stick to your guns and refuse to budge?

Have you ever considered that you are an eternal being? A beautiful, powerful soul having an earth experience. That you are a piece of The Universe, of All That Is, of God, Allah or whatever name you have for It?

We are not alone.

Can I prove this?


But I’ve experienced it.

When I was a young girl, people kept trying to convert me to one religion or another. They spoke of the power of it and how good it felt. I never got it. I just did not feel what they did. I felt so left out, that there was something wrong with me, not special enough to feel this mysterious thing.

Decades later, I was sitting in the desert in Namibia in a gap year unable to leave because of a huge sandstorm. I had a book with me called Conversations With God. I bought it on a whim months before because a friend has said that it talks about how we can cure world hunger. I was interested in that sort of thing, so I bought it. Never opened it once till the day of the storm.

A quarter way into the book, I was consumed by a power I have never felt before. It felt like a huge beam of pure love, pure power, pure thought was pouring down on me. It consumed me, enveloped me, embedded Itself in me. It brought me to my knees, and I just cried inconsolably, for hours – with absolute relief.

I can’t explain the experience properly.

I read the book twice that day. The whole series ever since, and many more in the field of the power of the mind, Law of Attraction and quantum physics over the last 20 years.

It freed me.

I had unknowingly been living such a fearful life. Now I knew that it didn’t have to be that way.

I got new information. Critical information that I had never been taught in schools or churches, not in the way this book explained it. It started me on a journey of self-discovery, and it changed my whole life. It was powerful because it taught me that there is so much more than what we see, that I have options.

And I’ve experienced this myself many times over the years, so I know it to be true.

The new thoughts I started thinking became the things I believed, which changed my experience.

Fourteen years ago, I was awakened too which has ramped up this journey of discovery and creation.

We are not alone.

We are eternal.

We have the power of creation.

It is our birthright.

It is our inherent gift.

We came here to learn to create.

What you think about, you create.

The only question is, will you think new thoughts based off new information you get?

What if you could think your way into safety, health, wealth and contentment? We run around chasing our tails trying to control everything, exhausting ourselves. What if we remembered who we were, took more deep breaths, took some to stop and reflect for a minute, and used the power of our minds to create the reality we want?

Think it’s not possible? I’m living proof that it certainly is possible.

I have manifested a house, a car, a career, clients, weight loss, relationships, my husband, a farm, overseas trips, community, a lifestyle, a bank account. I’ve done it over and over again.

I know without a shadow of a doubt, that the thoughts I keep thinking change my reality. I know I can manifest anything. It’s a cool game now.

And because I have discovered this power, I am not afraid of death either. I know there is something out there. I’m actually quite excited to see what it’s going to be. I’m not in a rush to leave, I’ve still got too much to do, but I know I’ll be going home and it will be wonderful.

“To die will be an awfully big adventure”

Peter Pan

What does this mean for you?

What state is your life in? Are you content, healthy, balanced, and prosperous? Or are you sick, broke, stressed and living in constant fear?

Why is it like that? What story have you been telling yourself?  Who have you been listening to your whole life? Parents, siblings, partners mainstream media, schools, churches? How do you feel about what they have taught you? Do you feel expansive and creative? Or do you feel small and scared? If it’s the latter, it’s time to change the story.

Your soul is trying to communicate with you all day every day. It knows everything and wants to help you. You reading this newsletter is your soul giving you a nudge that it’s there.

Turn off ALL the noise and start listening to yourself.  

The only way to really know what’s real is to go quiet and listen to your own inner voice.

It takes practice. This is something else we are simply not taught – for a very good reason as it does not serve the agenda at all.

Try this to start to learn to get in touch with yourself.

  1. Decide if you are willing to open your mind to new ideas.

  2. Switch off all the news with immediate effect.

  3. Find 5 minutes where you can be completely alone, even if it’s in the toilet at work.

  4. Put your phone on silent.

  5. Breathe properly. Deep breath in, hold and release to the count of 4 each.

  6. Just sit with your eyes closed for 5 minutes and breath slowly.

  7. Say “I am always safe, the Universe has got my back”. Or something similar.

  8. Do this every day. Forever.

If you can’t find 5 minutes of alone time, your life is in a bigger mess than you think. Then you need to do this for an hour a day!

Consciously doing this will take you on your soul’s journey. See where is takes you. Everyone’s different. But by choosing to being open to the process, choosing to read different information, choosing to change your mind, choosing to consciously listen to yourself; you will WILL change your existence. It’s a Natural Law, (look them up).

Everything you need to thrive is inside you. You are not just a meat stick wandering around our pretty blue planet.

What have you got to lose?


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